Can Creativity Save the Environment?
We began, as always, with an insight: according to an assessment conducted by Climate Partner, car CO₂ emissions account for over 62% of Ad Store's carbon footprint. But how can we reduce our environmental impact and encourage our people to adopt more sustainable behaviors? By playing!

MUV: The Challenge Begins!
Thanks to our partnership with MUV - Mobile Game App, we launched a high-stakes sustainability challenge across the agency. Divided into four teams, we competed through walking, biking, and car-sharing in a real tournament that tested our green spirit and transformed us into sustainable mobility athletes.

Mission Accomplished!
Through our sustainable travels, we saved 13 kg of CO₂ in just three months, covering over 13,000 sustainable kilometers. 55% of these trips were made by train. Such an achievement deserved a reward: a brand-new foosball table for the whole agency!