
Elite Beauty

We shaped a new idea of beauty


Get a cover look

The Elite Beauty brand that inspired generations of women all over the world from the covers of leading fashion magazines is now available on the select beauty stores. Model management and talent scouting network Elite took its brand potential and created a line of products that multiplied and amplified its plusses: make-up, skin care, hair care, and fragrances. Ad Store was called to develop the branding and communication strategy for the launch of Elite Beauty in international markets.


Fashion + beauty = glamorous performance

Elite Beauty promises the allure and expertise of fashion — a world where Elite is the undisputed icon. This brand promise led to unique and memorable storytelling using Elite’s fashion values and imagery in the beauty world.
How? By focussing the brand communication and perception on what was defined as “glamorous performance,” based on an aspirational and authoritative communication concept — #GOTTHELOOK. A decisive, straightforward, digital-friendly and personal statement that is physiologically linked to the scouting vocation of Elite’s DNA and connects every online and offline communication channel of the brand, both B2B and B2C.

The added value

PR or the secret for a successful campaign

Just like in the fashion world, a beauty brand launch can’t be without PR. Ad Store’s PR division has structured an intense Media Relations’ action in order to increase Elite Beauty’s awareness, involving leading glamour and lifestyle magazines, as well as bloggers and influencers, starting from the launch event — Elite Beauty Prèmiere — which officially turned the spotlight on this extraordinary beauty program.


Results three months after campaign launch


website page views


average time on the website


Facebook fans




Facebook reach