

Forget the old clichés. The rules of communication have changed.
People demand for trust and credibility, authenticity, transparency and courage, and the answer we gave with Parmacotto was loud and clear: #PrendimiCosì, or “Take me as I am”.
This was the title of a human, contemporary and authentic TV spot whose innovative narrative and expressive approach marked an absolute first for the Italian charcuterie sector, far from any stereotypes and full of energy and personality to spare.

Parmacotto's journey

What you see is what you get.

#PrendimiCosì was launched only 6 months after the TV spot “We Are Back” to respond to a new communication challenge – presenting Parmacotto brand purpose as well as one of its products. We decided to follow a very clear strategy and humanised the brand. Parmacotto introduces itself speaking in the first person, its voice leading us to aim for the best every day by constantly choosing what’s truly essential and genuine.

our approach

Brands are humans

#PrendimiCosì perfectly reflects our human approach, where brands are seen like individuals, all with their own features, personalities, interests and beliefs. Only by expressing their true self they can create a real emotional bond with people. Parmacotto’s identikit results from regular meetings, workshops and conversations with the client, and especially from asking the right questions and listening to the answers, as we constantly do. This is how we manage to bring to life the most authentic storytelling and brand narrative.
