
The Paul Cappelli Award

A scholarship for aspiring young creatives

Young People Seek the Right Place, Not a Permanent Position

Antonella de Gironimo
Project Coordinator

Founded in memory of Ad Store’s founder, who passed away in 2020, the Paul Cappelli Award is a contest we launched for students at the Academy of Communication. The prize for the winners: a €1,500 scholarship and the chance to see their idea come to life with a real campaign planned throughout Italy in print and OOH.

The Brief

How to win the award? By developing the first legacy campaign for Progetto Itaca: a foundation promoting information, prevention, support, and rehabilitation programs for people affected by mental health issues and their families. We chose to collaborate with Progetto Itaca to bring attention, especially among young people, to a relevant and timely topic: mental health.

The Winners

Among the nine proposals presented by third-year post-diploma students in Art Direction and Copywriting at the Academy of Communication, the jury, composed of the Ad Store team and Progetto Itaca’s communication managers, selected the proposal "The Legacy of the Soul" developed by Loris Ghedini, Jessica Gatti, and Rossella Vaga. Not only did they win the Paul Cappelli Award, but they will also see their campaign featured across Italy in OOH and print applications.