

International retail communication


Contemporary nomadism

Raise your hand if you’ve owned a Moleskine notebook! Moleskine is a unique brand, with a century-old tradition and still a huge appeal on the creative class worldwide. What’s made Moleskine’s notebooks so successful was also a series of honorable ante litteram testimonials, of the likes of Hemingway, Picasso and Van Gogh. Far beyond a simple notebook, today Moleskine is a big family of analog and digital items - perfect companions for the contemporary nomad, they are real creativity enablers. We were also mesmerized by such a legendary brand, for which we designed and developed a series of POS and social media campaigns across the brand’s stores worldwide and its main social media channels.

Added value

Retail, design and content production

Our name is “Ad Store” and maybe this is why Retail Communications are imbued in our DNA. Our strengths? Design and communication know-how, but also efficiency and proactivity, with our in-house content production team made of photographers and video editors working in constant synergy with the creative team. Our added value? Optimum delivery times and a timely execution of the creative concept.
