

The first social live series dedicated to fridge-emptying recipes


Anti-waste DNA since 1939

For Saclà, anti-waste is more than a contemporary trend, it is part of the company's DNA and philosophy. In fact, the brand's history began with the idea of preserving seasonal vegetables to make them ready for use all year round and save them from the waste. From this relevant insight came the idea of positioning Saclà as the messenger of a sustainable idea that invites all of us to prevent food waste. How? With a social live series dedicated to fridge-emptying recipes, launched every 29 September on the International Food Waste and Loss Awareness Day.

Creative strategy

Turning anti-waste into a good habit for everyone

Through a partnership between Saclà and Banco Alimentare - two entities sharing the idea of fighting against food waste - we created a campaign with a social and sustainable message for people and the planet. The campaign, involving a team of food influencers, invites people to look at leftovers from a new point of view, creating new awareness. A new way to tell Saclà's sustainable approach and its brand purpose through an inclusive campaign that puts people at the centre, in line with the new Saclà positioning: "It's for everyone. It's Saclà."

The campaign

6 instagram lives, 6 food influencers

The Anti-Waste Wednesdays became a regular appointment with Saclà and sustainability, through a social campaign that was able to engage wide and varied communities thanks to the mix of creators we chose to involve. With Saclà, wednesday is the day dedicated to fridge-emptying recipes, to promote anti-waste habits in the kitchen and support fundraising for Banco Alimentare. The goal is donating 150,000 meals to Banco Alimentare upon reaching 15,000 views, and it's exceeded!





