Integrated campaign for the World Alpine Ski Championships Cortina 2021: advertising, digital PR, digital video campaign, Press Office & Media Relations
What do Parmacotto and the world ski champions have in common?
After #WeAreBack and #PrendimiCosì Parmacotto is back and addresses its audience with a voice that is both human and that of a leader: brave, distinctive, authoritative and contemporary. In fact, the new integrated campaign is titled #CarattereVincente (“winning personality”) and highlights the presence of Parmacotto at the World Alpine Ski Championships in Cortina 2021 as Official Sponsor of FISI, through an exciting storytelling that engages both ski fans and the general public.
An integrated campaign
From the main Italian sport newspaper to Instagram lives
First a press campaign in the Italian Gazzetta dello Sport, then an integrated plan of social and digital content, which allowed the fans, forced at home due to Covid, to follow the sport event day after day. The excitement was even bigger thanks to a series of animated stories by two exceptionally talented Italian athletes: the athletes Federica Brignone, live from the slopes of Cortina, and Carolina Marcialis, to foster the cheers from home.
The finish line
#CarattereVincente: a gold medal on Instagram
With 7 million users reached and 14K interactions, #CarattereVincente went viral in just a few days, winning over the sporting and non-sporting public. The secret? Telling brand values through people, in a credible and relevant way for your audience. This is how, together with Parmacotto, The Ad Store won a gold medal for engagement and virality.
7 millions
More than 14.000
viral contents on Instagram
readers reached (readership)
More than 300
press leads