The project
An integrated PR platform
The Ad Store collaboration with GrandVision Italy - optical retailer with over 7,000 stores worldwide and more than 400 in Italy - involved the design and development of communication plans characterized by a lifestyle approach, with the aim of promoting sight prevention among different audiences. How? Through a multi-channel on & offline strategy, made up of social challenges, events, editorials, media partnerships, endorsements and community mentorships. All these activities are aimed at amplifying the visibility of the brand all over Italy with a multi-territorial approach. "See Responsibly - Sight is not an optional when you drive” is the key concept chosen by the Group to raise awareness around the essential role of sight prevention for road safety.
The communication plan
Variety and stories at the core
How to differentiate GrandVision’s offer and boost its CSR initiatives? Through multiple brand activations that involved a series of relevant and innovative players in the field of road safety. Sight Saver Italia Onlus, WeRoad, Deliveroo, Associazione Familiari e Vittime della Strada, Quattro Ruote are some of the partners with whom we collaborated to create awareness campaigns on the importance of visual wellbeing. An essential asset to our PR strategy was the activation of media partnerships - with Hearst Group and Condè Nast, for instance - and the collaboration with influencers and celebrities, with the objective was creating awareness on the importance of sight prevention among young people.
RESULTS - First 3 years of collaboration
Press releases
Oltre 70 milioni
Influencers involved