
Piaggio Group

Post-lockdown campaigns for the Piaggio range and the Moto Guzzi brand

The brief

Campaigns on the new normal

The Piaggio Group wanted to play an active role in the post-lockdown restart while leveraging on people’s desire to get back on the road and into riding their two-wheeler in a new normal scenario made of precautionary measures and safety distancing.
Our challenge was to develop a series of international post-lockdown campaigns for the Piaggio range and the Moto Guzzi brand, inviting people to take back their cities and freedom with courage and positivity. We were also to find a message that would be consistent with the brands’ positioning and would resonate among consumers in times of COVID-19.

The Piaggio range campaign

Social distancing gets smart with Piaggio

#SmartDistancing is the copy strategy we came up with to create awareness on Piaggio’s range of scooters, the best and safest alternative to public transport. Now more than ever, Medley, Beverly and Liberty Piaggio are the ideal travel companions when it comes to urban mobility. What’s more, they are not only a smart and responsible solution to keep your social distance, but also great deals thanks to a special promotion. So why waiting to get into the train or the bus when you can get around town in total freedom riding a Piaggio scooter?

The moto Guzzi campaign

Social distancing according to Moto Guzzi

The creative strategy we identified for Moto Guzzi revolves around the brand’s proudly authentic character and its community. With just the right touch of irreverence that well fits with Moto Guzzi’s positioning - Proudly Authentic - the campaign invites users to keep one’s distance, literally this time! The brand promise reflects the bold spirit of the brand and its aficionados, who are free again and can now ride to the destination of their dreams.
